Anthurium Luxurians
We pollinated our Anthurium Luxurians back in November 2022. One year later, we have finally harvested the first berries!
Anthurium Luxurians Mother Plant
Back in November 2022 we pollinated self pollinated the inflo.
April 2023
By April we had 3 pollinated inflorescence. The first and second have started to swell and was changing colour.
June 2023
A further 2 months down the track and the infloresence have continued to swell and turned deep purple.
Early October 2023
Berries have finally started to pop on the infloresence!
By mid November we had a few more berries, though they were a bit far and few in between. These berries were cleaned and placed on a damp paper towel to germinate. By early November most have germinated and formed roots. This first batch we will be trying to grow in Fluval Stratum substrate. It will be the first time time we have tried to grow anthurium seeds in this media. Lets see how they will grow!